Eyes on platypus

A NEW volunteer-based study along the Yarra River is unlocking some of the mysteries surrounding that most unusual of animals, the platypus.
Dr Melody Serena from the Australian Platypus Conservancy said she hoped more volunteers would join the enthusiastic band who already watched for platypuses in the course of their daily activities.
“Many people walk, jog, cycle or fish along the river on a fairly frequent basis,” she said.
“We are hoping that some of them will be prepared to stop at one or more points to scan for platypus. It usually only takes a minute or two to tell if a platypus is active in the area – the ripple patterns that the animals make are a real giveaway – so only a small time commitment is involved.”
The Australian Platypus Conservancy will be holding information sessions about platypus conservation on Tuesday 22 June at the Upper Yarra Family Centre in Yarra Junction and on Wednesday 23 June at Yarra Glen Memorial Hall, starting at 7pm on both evenings.
The program’s methods will be explained and tips provided on how best to go about spotting platypus in the wild.
More information can be found on the Australian Platypus Conservancy website at www.platypus.asn.au