Recovery centre scales down

THE Yarra Glen Recovery Centre has reduced its operation as the demand for post-bushfire services declines.
The service will now operate three days a week – Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.
Yarra Ranges mayor Len Cox said services would continue to be provided at the recovery centre by Commonwealth, State, and local government as well as local agencies.
“None of these services will disappear, and residents will still be able to contact each of the organisations at the centre or directly to receive assistance and advice as the recovery process continues,” Cr Cox said.
“The Recovery Centre has been a fantastic resource in the community, connecting fire-affected people with the support they needed to get back on their feet.
“However, since about October last year, we have seen a continual decline in the number of people using the centre. This is a great sign that residents are starting to get back into regular routines and are happy to contact organisations directly to receive assistance.”
Cr Cox said all of the agencies at the recovery centre were monitoring the level of use of their services, to develop an appropriate timeline for closure.
“If anyone is uncertain about where to get specific assistance the shire is always there to help connect them,” he said.
“The shire is also looking at holding informal coffee and chat sessions that would run in the area on a regular basis.”