Ross Martin par for the course

By Dennis Fuller
THERE are days in golf when one can’t do anything wrong and at Emerald Golf Club, Ross Martin (9) had one of those.
It was the second round of the three-round Winter Cup and when play ended for the day, Martin had carded a par score of 9-up.
This follows his 5-up of the previous round for a total of 14-up.
He leads by a fair way from all except Wayne Degering (19) who added a 7-up to his 5-up of the previous week.
Unless the sky falls in the winner should come from these two as the nearest to them is Bouncer Holland on 6-up.
So all this meant that Martin won A Grade and the day, Degering won B Grade and, sneaking along behind, hoping that the handicapper is not looking, was Con Whitlock (23) winning C Grade with 5-up.
Alan Ecclestone had a good day with 5-up, Kameron Geeves managed 4-up, Peter Stevens had 3-up while David Jennings and Ken Hill were 2-up.
Stevens was nearest the pin on the 4th, John Carvill on the 7th, Degering the 12th, Brian Crawford the 13th and Dave Thomas finished with a rush by winning the pro-pin on the 18th.
Kameron Geeves was nearest the pin after two shots on the 10th and Hill was king on the 17th by doing the same.
The ladies’ event finished off a fine day for the Martin when Ross’s wife Karen won the day with a meritorious 3-up.
The way she has been playing lately I can envisage more wins, as I am yet to see her have a bad round.
On Wednesday, at Obscurely Filtered Golf, a round of South African fourball was played. Peter Clowes and Brett Isherwood, who is making a comeback to golf after a sabbatical, quite unlike Tiger’s, reigned supreme with 73 points from Ken Hill and Ron Wilson whop had 64.
Next week is the last round of the Summer Cup and the engraver has his pen hovering over the trophy, practising writing that Ross Martin is the winner.