Cricket club to name team of the century

By Monique Ebrington
HEALESVILLE Cricket Club will swing into action this weekend, for their Gala Weekend.
The activities kick off from 6pm on Friday 26 February at Queen’s Park for the heated Twenty20 match between Healesville Football Club and Healesville Cricket Club.
Healesville Football Club is the inaugural champion, holding the title won last year against the cricket club.
The main event for the weekend will be held Saturday at the Lilydale International.
At the event, which begins at 7pm, the Healesville Cricket Club’s Team of the Century will be named, with current and past members all eligible for selection.
The party will continue on Sunday with an informal brunch at the club rooms from 10.30am.
Former and current Healesville Cricket Club members are encouraged to come along and meet up with some old friends and team-mates as a great way to complete the Gala Weekend.