OAMs for two

Ornithologist Bruce Quin spreads out his ‘patriotic wings’. Mr Quin received a Medal of the Order of Australia for his dedication to the endangered Helmeted Honeyeater.Ornithologist Bruce Quin spreads out his ‘patriotic wings’. Mr Quin received a Medal of the Order of Australia for his dedication to the endangered Helmeted Honeyeater.

By Monique Ebrington
UPPER Yarra residents, and dedicated leaders, Bruce Quin and Greg Sword have both received a Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM).
While ornithologist Mr Quin practices a quiet leadership, his dedication towards the endangered Helmeted Honeyeater speaks volumes.
Mr Quin has been the Field Ornithologist for the Helmeted Honeyeater Recovery Program for more than 16 years.
In that time he has witnessed the steady growth of the species and remained completely dedicated to the survival and welfare of the species that is only found in the Yellingbo Nature Conservation Reserve and Bunyip State Park.
Mr Quin said his interest in native plants and wildlife stemmed from watching wildlife documentaries on the ABC and trips to the country as a youngster.
Through his work he has had extensive involvement with the Friends of the Helmeted Honeyeater group and volunteers.
He said the OAM was the perfect start to the new year, after the Friends Group and Recovery Group celebrated their 20th anniversary last year.
“I don’t strive to get awards,” Mr Quin said. “The drive for the work is to save the Helmeted Honeyeater and its habitat, but also hopefully what we’re doing is helping save other species as well.
“The award certainly was a pleasant surprise though.”
Mr Sword, of Yarra Junction has been awarded for his dedication to several groups, which include the National Union of Workers, the Labor Party and his local football club.
For five years Mr Sword was the Yarra Junction Football Club Secretary and for over five decades he was committed to his work with the Labor Party.
From 1972 to ‘74 Mr Sword was a Young Labor member and worked his way to become National President of the Australian Labor Party from 2000 to 2004, earning an impressive number of positions within the party along the way.
In 1982 Mr Sword took up the position of Assistant National Secretary for the Storemen and Packers Union, for three years. He led the amalgamation of six unions to form the National Union of Workers.
Mr Sword was the General (National) Secretary of the National Union of Workers from 1984 to 2005.
He was awarded the OAM for his service to the union movement and to the community through his leadership and voluntary roles in a range of organisations.
Both men will be officially presented with the Medal of the Order of Australia during a ceremony in Government House in Melbourne.