Blood, sweat and tears recognised

By Kath Gannaway
TWO community groups, one which sprung from the ashes of Black Saturday, and the other a long-established Healesville institution, have been honoured in Yarra Ranges Council’s Australia Day Awards.
Yarra Glen Community Fire Relief and the Rotary Club of Healesville are joint winners of the 2010 Community Group of the Year award.
A special Australia Day ceremony at Mont De Lancey Historical Home and Musuem in Wandin today (Tuesday) will recognise the Rotarians, YGCFR members and other individuals and groups for their outstanding contributions to their communities.
Yarra Ranges mayor Len Cox said the Australia Day awards were a chance to celebrate community spirit and recognise those who had given so much to their community.
“Countless numbers of Yarra Ranges’ residents put so much of their blood, sweat and tears into their local community each year,” he said.
“These awards are a wonderful way to recognise just a few for their outstanding achievements.”
Thanking the award recipients, Cr Cox noted that several acknowledged the efforts of people during last year’s bushfires and the on-going recovery process.
The Rotary Club was applauded for its ability to adapt to ever-changing needs and provide prompt and quality responses.
Graeme Chester co-ordinated Rotary’s response as offers of support and donations poured in from local, Australian and international Rotary clubs.
Mr Chester said the club had spent around $168,000 on 117 projects to date. Clearing properties at Chum Creek, building enclosures and sheds at Chum Creek Wildlife Shelter, supporting the material aid centres at Healesville and Yarra Glen, financing fencing material, and stock feed, numerous working bees at Marysville, assisting Steels Creek Garden Club and providing nesting boxes for Friends of Leadbeater’s Possum, are just a sample of the work.
Mr Chester said all members of the club had been involved and that many of the projects had been done in partnership with the Shire of Yarra Ranges and other community organisations.
“Our motto is service above self, and while you don’t expect it, it’s nice that it is recognised in this way,” he said.
“The award will be something the club will cherish.”
Just a day after Black Saturday, Yarra Glen Community Fire Relief was off and running.
Local businesswoman Shannon Bergamin wasted no time in tapping into her contacts to organise clothing, food and an army of volunteers who set up a relief centre in the empty IGA supermarket in Yarra Glen.
Over the past year Ms Bergamin said more than 500 volunteers have signed on to help in a myriad of ways under the guidance of the steering committee – Ms Bergamin, Peter and Deb Montgomery, Terry and Carol Dibley, Graeme Moore, Derek Thurgood, Leslie Wood and Dale White.
She said it had been a tough year for everyone involved with long hours, tears and frustrations, but also many successes, cuddles and smiles of appreciation.
“People have certainly given of themselves emotionally, as well as in terms of time and energy,” she said.
Ms Bergamin said many people contributed to enable the committee to do its job.
“We all feel there are so many people who volunteered so much time and that this is their award, not just our award,” she said.
YGCFRC chairperson Peter Montgomery was named Citizen of the Year (story page 3) and Kallista teenager Fiona Bilton was named Young Citizen of the Year. Ms Bilton was recognised for her work in promoting greater awareness of mental health issues for young people, parents and families.
Ms Bilton is a member of Yarra Ranges Council’s PATS (Paying Attention to Self) program and was recognised for her role in providing peer leadership to children and young people who have a parent with a mental illness.
Other Yarra Ranges’ Australia Day award recipients were Francis Smith of Mt Evelyn – Environmental Achiever of the Year; Lilydale Primary School Earthkeeper Group – the Ken McIntosh Memorial Award – Young environmental Achiever of the Year; Raymond and Marion Jull of Wandin who received the Mayor’s Lifetime Achievement Award and the Mt Evelyn Scouting Group, which received the Ian De La Rue Community Leadership Award.
Certificates of Recognition went to Patricia Hogan, Anne Galletti, Jane Calder, Lila Ricketts, Robert Gordon, David James, Bob Gatherum, Pat Biggs, Yarra Valley Italian Cultural Group, Pamper Packs Community Group, Ken Dowling, Grant Jack, Alison Cran, Senior Sergeant Shaun Young and Senior Sergeant Vin Butera.

Australia Day Honours List

In the Australia Day Honours List, Seville field ornithologist Bruce Quin received the Public Service Medal for his outstanding work and commitment to the Helmeted Honeyeater Recovery Program.

Yarra Junction resident Gregory Sword also received the Public Service Medal in recognition of his service to the Union movement and to the community through leadership and voluntary roles in many organisations, including as secretary of the Yarra Junction Junior Football Club from 2003 to 2007.
Mr Sword has served as National president and Victorian president of the Australian Labor Party.