Time to

By Melissa Meehan
GET the most out of the pool this summer with the help of BD Heating.
Owner Matt Cain, who has been working in the industry for more than 25 years, can provide a service to suit all pool needs.
BD Heating can fit pumps, filters, blankets, solar heating and other appliances.
Mr Cain said about 80 per cent of his business catered to solar heating for pools throughout the state, but said he would like to focus his attention on more homes in the Yarra Valley, near his home town of Yarra Glen.
“I’m a one-man show, which means I can be harder to get a hold of, but it means I don’t dish out jobs to less qualified people,” he says.
Mr Cain, a distributor of Sun Bather, one of the most recognised and respected brands, said solar heating was a more environmentally friendly option compared with gas heating.
“It’s not only cheaper than gas, it increases the swimming season by up to three months,” he said.
“It gives people the luxury of enjoying their pool rather than only using their large investment for one month of decent weather.”
Mr Cain has had his own business for more than 10 years and says the special attraction of his business is his attention to detail.
“I like to reinforce the fact that I take my time a bit more than others,” he said.
“I really try to achieve perfection.”
BD Heating Services is on 0411 607 493 for all pools needs.