Fergie wins on countback

By Dennis Fuller
GOLFERS sneaked in a round of golf at Emerald Golf Club just before the big hot. And it wasn’t only the weather that was hot.
When totals had been collated and the scrutineering had been done, two golfers headed the field with a net 63.
After further inspection it was found that Graeme Fergus (18) won the day on a countback from the unlucky Ken Hill (13).
Fergus headed up the B-Grade floggers while Hill stood tallest in the A Grade.
Dave Jennings (27) found the going to his liking and his net 64 won the day in C Grade.
Along the way he also picked up the nearest the pin on the fourth while Hill rounded out a good day by winning on the seventh.
Fergus was nearest on the seventh, Ken Sumsion on the 12th, Ben Balfour on the 13th and Paul Farmer aced the crowd to pick up the pro pin on the 18th.
Brian McCoy was nearest the pin after two shots on the 10th and Ross Martin did the same on the 17th.
For the second week running Sue Fuller proved to be the top player in the women’s comp and will face the wrath of the handicapper in due course.
The comp for the Obstinately Ferocious Golfers (OFG) on Wednesday was a limited club event depending on handicap. Each player was allowed a putter and extra club for every five strokes of handicap.
This restriction did not affect Moss Fuller (20) when he came in with a staggering 43 points. Nearest to him was Con Whitlock (22) with 38.
Others played well but failed to be winners. These included John Carvill with 65, Dean Shannon 66, Peter Clowes with 67 and Martin Yeats who played to his handicap for 70.
Next Saturday the January VGL medal is up for grabs so after this week’s heavy scoring one can envisage a titanic battle for the medal.