Teen dies after crash

By Kath Gannaway
A 17-YEAR-OLD Healesville boy is dead, and a 19-year-old from Coldstream could face charges in a tragic lead-up to Christmas for two Yarra Valley families.
The teenagers were with three other young people in a car that crashed on High Street in Healesville just after midnight on Wednesday 16 December.
The 17-year-old, a passenger in the back seat, was thrown from the vehicle as it rolled. He was flown to The Alfred hospital but died the next night.
The three other passengers, all in their teens, received minor injuries.
Witnesses have told police that the 19-year-old P-plater driving the Range Rover lost control and the vehicle rolled into a culvert.
The driver, taken to hospital with minor injuries, was interviewed about 9am the next day.
Police have confirmed that he produced a positive blood-alcohol reading.
Leading Senior Constable Trevor Collins said his team would be interested in hearing from anyone who saw the accident.
In particular they would like to hear from the driver of a silver 4WD who they believe may have seen how the Range Rover may have been driven before it rolled.
Leading Sen Const Collins told the Mail he would also be interested to hear of any “abnormal” driving in the area on the Tuesday night.
Information can be phoned through to 9380 7298, to Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000, or online to www.crimestoppers.com.au
The name of the teenager who died has not yet been released.