Smiles as students

By Monique Ebrington
SUCCESS was in the numbers last Monday, 14 December when Year 12 students from across the shire received their ENTER scores.
The anxious wait was over for students, and parents, from Upper Yarra Secondary College, Mount Lilydale Mercy College and Healesville High School with ENTER scores being sent to the students via SMS, the internet and by post.
Upper Yarra Secondary College School captains Amelia McRorie and Brad Woods both received scores above 90, with Amelia achieving a 92.75 and Brad a whopping 97.80.
Both students said they were anxious about receiving their results.
Brad in particular needed a 98 for the best chance to get into his top preference — Arts/Law at Monash University in Clayton.
“The night before I said to Mum, please let me read it alone,” Brad said.
“When I received the text message and it was 97.8 I just thought, it can’t be my enter score.
“I went and double-checked my student number to make sure they hadn’t sent me the wrong score.
“I started calling out to mum … when I told her she was really happy and started crying a bit.
“We rang heaps of people at 7 in the morning to tell them the great news.”
Like Brad’s parents, Roz and Eddie, Amelia’s parents Karen and Garry were also proud of their daughter’s achievement.
“When I read my ENTER score I was really shocked,” Amelia said.
“I felt like I’d stuffed up my English exam, so I was surprised by what I got.
“I shouted out to Mum, she knows I’ve been trying really hard this year, and she was really proud of what I got.”
Amelia is hoping to get into a Visual Design course at Deakin in Burwood.
Mount Lilydale Mercy College principal Bernard Dobson and the Advisory Council were thrilled by the outstanding effort of the schools VCE and VCAL students this year.
Mr Dobson said 100 per cent of students completed their studies and gained their VCE or CVAL Senior Certificates.
He also said that 10 per cent of their VCE students received an ENTER score above 90.
The VCE students who achieved the top 10 results at the school were acknowledged for their achievement at the school’s Night of Excellence last Monday, 14 December.
The students with the top enter scores at Mount Lilydale Mercy College were Claire Pulford, 99.75, Megan Dharma, 98.65, Jake Sherman, 98.5, Lucy Lee, 97.7, Declan Robinson, 97.3, Katrina Soubra, 96.9, Marco Madzzar, 96.85, Jack Murfett, 96.45, Tom Wright, 96.2 and Sophie Lacey with a score of 95.05.
Healesville High School did not repond to the Mail’s request for information on their students.