Steiner kids a class act

COSTUMES, glitter, music and a flatbed truck were all part of the Little Yarra Steiner School’s Class 12 graduation.
Each year a parent group decides on the Class 12’s mode of transport to a special picnic held on their final day at the school.
Chair of the College of Teachers and parent Olga Taylor said in recent years a helicopter, motorbikes and a double decker bus had been used.
She said the 18 students were told to dress in a glitz and glamour theme and were surprised by the float, decorated by the parents and then loaded onto a truck.
Ms Taylor said it was quite a sight to see the students dancing, in their suits and spandex, on the back of the truck with tunes such as ‘I Will Survive’ belting out of the speakers.
“They loved it,” Ms Taylor said.
“There’s always a bit of concern about what the parents are going to do but it was a lovely surprise and it suited this group.
“Without knowing about the float they dressed up fantastically, they really suited it,” Ms Taylor said.
The students paraded through Yarra Junction before stopping behind the Yarra Junction football oval for a Mad Hatter’s Tea Party.