Perfect start for Year 7 student

By Monique Ebrington
MADDISON Wilson received a $400 scholarship last Monday (7 December) to kick-start her Year 7 Healesville High School tuition.
Healesville Primary School’s Tricia O’Reilly Scholarship was created in memory of the Grade 6 student killed tragically in 2001.
In its ninth year, the scholarship is awarded in December to a grade six student moving from Healesville Primary School to Healesville High School.
Healesville Sergeant Tony Van Gorp presented Maddison with the scholarship and a plaque at a full school assembly yesterday. He said Maddison was the perfect candidate for the scholarship because of her warm, honest, caring and friendly personality.
“Maddison is a wonderful student who perfectly fits the criteria for the scholarship and will, no doubt, be a very worthy winner,” Sgt Van Gorp said.
“Past winners have certainly excelled at Healesville high School and are achieving great results.”
Maddison said she was surprised at being chosen to receive the scholarship and looked forward to attending Healesville High School next year.