The best of buddies

Buddies (from left) Damien Litchfield, Luke Duncan and Angelo Campione. 39594Buddies (from left) Damien Litchfield, Luke Duncan and Angelo Campione. 39594

By Kath Gannaway
HAVING the confidence to speak on behalf of his peers is just one of the challenges Luke Duncan has tackled head-on since becoming involved in a boys’ mentoring program with Anglicare.
In March, with a number of other boys involved in the Buddies Program, he will take part in a very different challenge – a 35-kilometre hike through some of Victoria’s most spectacular wilderness.
With him will be his ‘buddy’ and mentor Angelo Campione.
The Buddies Program is a follow-on from the Boys Will be Men and Peaceful Warriors programs that Anglicare have run in the Yarra Valley since 2001.
The 12-week course aims to help boys deal with adolescence and develop skills to cope with adult challenges later in life.
Co-ordinator Damien Litchfield said for boys growing up without positive role models in their lives, the program offered support and direction from positive, caring men.
The program is looking for volunteer men to help with a range of outdoor adventure activities.
“Skills learnt in the bush and pre-camp preparation sessions are transferred into the boys’ everyday lives through recognition of achievements,’ he said. The Buddies program provides ongoing group and individual mentoring to boys and young men in the community.
Mr Campione admits he is not a huge fan of camping, but loves the walking and the way the Buddies Program focused on the boys and developing their confidence, independence and life skills.
“I had a fairly stable background but I believe even so it would have been great to have this sort of support as a kid,” he said.
Without the usual distractions Mr Campione said the atmosphere around the camp at the end of the day lent itself to talking about the way the day went and opening up and sharing something a big deeper.
“That’s the real value I see in the camps,” he said.
Mr Litchfield said the program relied heavily on the involvement of men who gave up their time to become positive role models for the boys taking part.
He is calling on men with a few hours a week to spare to join the program and help local boys meet the challenges of adolescence.
An information evening will be held in Lilydale on Wednesday, 2 December and the program will begin on 27 January 2010.
For more information phone Mr Litchfield on 97354188 or email to .