Game on at Yarra Glen

By Barry Smith
YARRA Glen Football Netball Club is set for a new and exciting era, with the appointment of Dean de Munk as senior coach and Daren Edwards as assistant coach. The very popular and successful John Orren will coach the reserves.
President Mark Mays is confident of fielding under-18s in 2010.
The Glen has recruited very well. Pre-season is underway with up to 50 players training. Mark Mays attributes the momentum to the new appointments and to the recent book launch YGFC 1888-2008.
The club also has plans under way for a major building development in 2010.
Any new players interested in training with the club can contact Dean de Munk on 0417 531 342 or Mark Mays on 0419 375 466.
Under-18s will be provided with new gear and receive top coaching.