Were we climate stupid … or what!

THE world acclaimed film The Age of Stupid will screen at Healesville Memorial Hall on Sunday 15 November.
The recently released film by Director Franny Armstrong (McLibel) and producer John Battsek (One Day in September) stars Pete Postlethwaite as a retired oil company scientist, living alone in the devastated future world of 2055.
Looking at old footage from 2008 he asks ‘why didn’t we stop climate change when we had the chance?’
The screening is a combined presentation by Healesville environment groups – Friends of Leadbeater’s Possum, Healesville Environment Watch, My Environment, C4 Healesville Communities Combating Climate Crisis, Mt Toolebewong Landcare and The Healesville Greens.
Group members invite members of the broader community to join them from 1.30pm at the Memo Supper Room for a 2pm start.
The film goes for 90 minutes with refreshments and an open discussion of the film to follow.