Maguire show his genius

By Dennis Fuller
THE first round of the club championship took place at the weekend at Emerald Golf Club and Mango Maguire (5) brought his ‘A’ game along to break par with a gross 69 off the stick.
But, as Maguire is not eligible to win the club championship, he still walked away with the VGL monthly medal and the spoils of a win in A Grade.
Graeme Fergus (18), who managed to round up David Yates to play with him later in the morning, was the star of B Grade with a nett 67.
John Fisher (35) had a good round in C Grade to take the prize with a nett 64 to lose the VGL medal in a countback to Maguire.
Others to put in a good one were Martin Yeats, nett 66; Jack Keenan 67, Ben Thompson 68 and Ross Martin 68.
When it came to nearest the pins, Wayne Degering had a day out with wins on the 4th and the 12th, Dennis Fuller won on the 7th, Yeats on the 13th and Ben Balfour picked up the pro pin cash on the 18th again.
Yeats was nearest after two shots on the 10th and Thompson did the trick on the 17th.
The club championship standings are as follows: in A Grade Yeats leads with 73 from Martin with 79. In B Grade Thompson’s 83 gives him the lead from Fergus’s 85; while in C Grade Whitlock’s 97 gives him the lead over Fisher’s 99.
Lyn Ward leads in the first round of the ladies championship and others need to improve to take the title from her.
Wednesday’s Overly Facetious Golf (OFG) using OFG handicaps was won by Ben Balfour (16) with 37 stableford points from Dennis Fuller (7) who managed 34.
Next Saturday Olinda Golf Club is hosting its first King of the Mountain comp since relocating from Olinda Golf Course.
A large field appears to be ready to face the 36-hole comps, assembling at Emerald Golf Club at 7.30am for an 8am hit off.
Emerald’s championship will recommence the following Saturday when all those who seemed to use the wrong end of their clubs last Saturday promise to right the evils committed.
Mango of course with 69 for 64.
A Grade
Gross scores
M. Yeats 73
R. Martin 79
R. Hocking 83
K. Hill 89
D. Fuller 90
P. Stevens 92
B Grade
B. Thompson 83
G.. Fergus 85
G White 87
P. Clowes 89
W. Degering 89
S. Town 96
L. Morison 90
B. Balfour 93
D. Hunt 95
G. Isherwood Dudley Norris Fenwick
C Grade
C. Whitlock 97
J. Fisher 99
B. McCoy 100
B. Moulday 101
J. Keenan 102
K. Sumsion 104
G. Marsh 105
P. Jones 105
D. Jennings 105
D. Aitken 110
G. Panting 111
D. Yates 115
I. Scott Dudley Norris Fenwick