Horses shot dead

HEALESVILLE police are baffled by the callous shooting of two horses in a paddock off the Healesville-Yarra Glen Road.
Senior Constable Steven Colverd told the Mail the horses, which were valued at $10,000, were shot at close range, overnight on 12 October. Their bodies were found by the owner the next morning.
Sen Const Colverd said the property, between the Old Healesville Road turn-off and School Lane, had a number of horses on it.
“The paddock they were in is in the centre of the property, not close to the road, so whoever did this would have had to walk in,” he said.
“It’s not a hunting area, and it’s not a case of someone taking pot shots from a long distance; they were aimed shots from close range,” he said.
He appealed to anyone who heard gun shots, saw anyone on foot around the area, or noticed any suspicious cars parked around the area, to contact Healesville Police on 5962 4422.