Group fights unit push

By Kath Gannaway
A GROUP of Coldstream residents have formed an action group to fight large-scale dual occupancy subdivisions in the area.
Spokesperson for Coldstream Community Action Group (CCAG), Grant Wild, said there was wide-spread concern among residents that speculative builders were buying up properties to subdivide for dual occupancy, and, potentially, unit development in the Maroondah Highway housing estate.
The Shire of Yarra Ranges confirmed last week that it had six applications on its books from one applicant seeking planning permits to subdivide and construct a second dwelling.
The properties are zoned Residential 1 and are within the Urban Growth Boundary.
The council in October refused a subdivision/dual occupancy permit on grounds which included that it was not consistent with neighbourhood character and that the area did not have adequate commercial and community facilities.
That decision was over-ruled at VCAT.
Mr Wild said a meeting held in August with ward councillor Jeanette McRae and council officers to discuss the issue was attended by more than 75 people. “There is real concern here that this type of development will destroy the character and lifestyle of Coldstream. We have a bit of space here, a quiet environment with room for our kids to play, plenty of trees and a real sense of community. Families have reared their children here and they in turn have bought into the areas to raise their families, just because they like the lifestyle … and all this could be destroyed on the whim of someone who is only concerned with putting more houses in.”
Mr Wild said covenants which originally protected against subdivision had in some cases been removed, leaving the door open for the sort of development he says many property owners believed they were protected from.
Residents and CCAG members Guy Walker and Yvonne Powell support Mr Wild’s comments also arguing that Coldstream does not have the infrastructure needed to support more development within the estate.
“There are no services for the kids as it stands, no public toilet, insufficient transport,” Mr Walker said.
Ms Powell said Coldstream was unlike other towns where dual occupancy subdivisions were happening, such as Healesville, Yarra Junction and Yarra Glen. “We don’t have a police station, or even a petrol station,” she said.
Mr Wild said there was also a strong feeling that as an alternative most people would rather see open land on the west side of Maroondah Highway and another parcel of land at the back of the estate, rezoned for housing but maintaining the larger block sizes.
Cr McRae said the council was required to consider each application on its merits under the planning scheme, which was dictated by State Government policy.
She said in terms of rezoning additional land for housing, she believed both parcels of land were in the Green Wedge Zone and would require State Government approval to change that.
“They have not seen us (Yarra Ranges) as a growth corridor so there would certainly be a reluctance to change the Urban Growth Boundary in Coldstream,” Cr McRae said.
Mr Wild said the CCAG would continue to mount objections to planning applications as they were presented to council and were committed to following them through to VCAT if necessary.