Start up for business

THE Marysville Motor Museum will have a second life after State and Federal governments invested $2.3 million to turn it into a small business hub for the community.
The facility will act to help the Marysville community back on its feet by providing commercial operators with low-cost interim accommodation as well as provide important retail services to residents.
The State Government invested $1.15 million to purchase the former museum and the Federal Government pledged $1.2 million to fit out the building, including construction of car parking facilities, lighting, signage and draining.
It will provide a space for community and farmers’ markets, displays, and other entertainment for the town.
“We will continue to stand by our communities as they rebuild after these devastating fires,” Mr Brumby said.
“The Marysville Motor Museum was one of the few buildings in the town to survive Black Saturday and securing a positive use for it is a great step forward for the recovery of Marysville and I thank everyone from the council and community involved.”
Parliamentary Secretary for Victorian Bushfire Reconstruction Bill Shorten said the federal funding would transform the museum and also provide an important meeting space and community centre for the town.
“It is expected the project will create 48 jobs, three traineeships and four work experience positions,” he said.
The Commonwealth Government funding is provided by the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations through its Get Communities Working program.
Victorian Bushfire Reconstruction and Recovery Authority chairwoman Christine Nixon thanked the Marysville and Triangle community for its patience as consultation and negotiations around the centre were undertaken. “This is an incredibly valuable interim solution for the rebuilding process, and will also provide a long-term asset for the community with much-wanted open space,” Ms Nixon said.
“The interim use of the facility supports the urban design framework for Marysville and recognises that over time, retail services will be relocated into and around Marysville’s main street precinct.”
A management committee including representatives from the local, Victorian and Commonwealth governments will be established to co-ordinate the fit out, operation and management of the facility.
The committee will be led by a recovery authority representative and include relevant community representatives.