No sanctuary for drivers

LIFE in the fast lane ended abruptly for more than 40 Healesville drivers when local police mounted a blitz on the 28 and 29 August.
With five unmarked vehicles in the Healesville area on the Friday and Saturday nights, there was nowhere to hide as police intercepted 105 vehicles as part of Operation Sanctuary.
“The results were particularly disturbing,” Healesville Sgt Tony Van Gorp said.
“Five people were caught drink driving, one driver refused to accompany police and was also driving while disqualified, four were driving while suspended, two while unlicensed, nine were driving unregistered vehicles, 12 were speeding and we issued another eight traffic tickets for various things,” he said.
Fourteen cars were given defect notices, one driver was arrested for an outstanding warrant and nine others did manage to find some sanctuary, getting off with a warning.
“The results were excellent but the number of people who still think it is OK to drink and drive, drive without a licence, or in an unregistered car, is a concern,” Sgt Van Gorp said.
“A number of drivers had particularly high readings and some bizarre excuses,” he said.
“One told us he was driving from home to the bottle shop to buy more alcohol,” he said.