Kids punch on after siren

By Kath Gannaway
WESBURN Junior Football Club has been put on a $5000 good behaviour bond and two Under 15 players have accepted a week’s suspension, following a fight after the siren sounded on their grand final loss to Upwey-Tecoma on Sunday.
One Upwey-Tecoma player also took the umpires’ one-game option and their club too is on notice with a $5000 bond.
A fight broke out as the siren sounded with accusations flying as freely as fists from both sides of “king hits” to their players. In an unprecedented response to what Dandenong Ranges Junior Football League president Doug Evans described as “a disgraceful performance by both sides” Mr Evans cancelled the formal presentation of the premiership cup and grand-final and runner-up medallions.
With the rival clubs separated on either side of the packed Woori Yallock oval, the players received their medallions in de-facto presentations.
Mr Evans told the Mail on Monday he was extremely disappointed and reiterated that the league’s stand on on-field violence was that it would not be tolerated.
In response to statements made to the Mail following the incident that spectators and team officials were involved, Mr Evans said the umpires’ reports did not include any reference to adults being involved.
Wesburn coach Jeff Fall told the Mail his players had been tackled by an opposition official and by a spectator who ran onto the oval after the siren and hit a Wesburn player.
“I’m pretty disappointed that that sort of thing has happened,” he said.
Mr Evans told the Mail while there had been issues during the season between the clubs, they had been dealt with and did not involve any reports.
Despite the one-week suspension which will see all three reported players stand out for the first Under 16 game next year, Mr Evans said the league would be looking further into the incident.
The Mail understands the league has the option of delivering further penalties to the suspended players, and others, if warranted.
Mr Evans said a video of the incident would be scrutinised this week.
“The game was videoed and we will be looking at a copy of that to see if any further action needs to be taken on any players or adults,” he said.