UPPER Yarra Pre-school is the first long-day care provider to become a Kids – Go for your Life awarded early childhood service in the Shire of Yarra Ranges.
Upper Yarra Children’s Centre manager Jenny Hollinger said it was their winning combination of healthy food and play that made them eligible.
“We are very proud and delighted to not only be a Kids – Go for your Life awarded centre but also to be the first long-day care service in the shire to get there,” Ms Hollinger said.
“It was a very simple process. We changed our menu to healthier eating, like swapping to wholegrain Saladas,”
“The aim was to provide around 50 per cent to 75 per cent of the kids’ daily dietary intake.”
Early Childhood state co-ordinator for Kids – Go for your Life Creina Porter presented Ms Hollinger with a certificate and said the promotion of healthy eating and play should be adopted in early childhood services, schools and at home.
“Pre-schools, like the Upper Yarra Children’s Centre, can really encourage children’s health through things like a fun and creative play ground and healthier eating,” Ms Porter said.
“The program also encourages a flow on effect into the family environment, and healthier behaviours are also adopted at home.”
The Kids – Go for your Life award program provides a comprehensive guide for early childhood services and primary schools on how to create a healthier environment for children.
For more information on the Kids – Go for your Life award program please visit www.goforyourlife.vic.gov.au/ kids.