Get set for the test

THE Well Women’s clinic at the Yarra Valley Community Health Service (YVCHS) and PapScreen Victoria have joined forces to enable more women in the Yarra Valley area to screen for cervical cancer, by providing extra pap test clinics.
Latest data show 64.5 per cent of women in the Yarra Ranges area are having regular two-yearly Pap tests, which means 35.5 per cent of women are still not adequately screening for the disease.
These extra clinics coincide with PapScreen’s state-wide television advertising campaign from June to August.
The campaign encourages women who have not had a pap test in the last two years to make an appointment today.
“This joint initiative between PapScreen and our health service enables extended opening hours so that women who are overdue for their pap tests can make an appointment time that suits them,” Karin Stanzel of YVCHS said.
“We decided to offer a series of evening clinics in July, August and September and hope to cater for women who find it difficult to attend clinics during the day.”
The clinics are on 28 July, 18 August and 7 September.
Manager of PapScreen Victoria Kate Broun is aware that many women struggle to find time in their busy lives for their biannual pap test appointment, but is reminding women that pap tests are quick and simple and only take a couple of minutes.
“It’s essential for all women, aged between 18 and 70, who have ever had sex to have regular two yearly pap tests.
This is because cervical cancer is almost always caused by infection with the sexually transmitted human papilloma virus (HPV) Ms Broun said.
“Pap tests check for cervical cell abnormalities caused by HPV. These cell abnormalities can develop into cervical cancer if left undetected and untreated.
“Some women may feel embarrassed about having a pap test, but keep in mind almost 600,000 pap tests are taken every year in Victoria, so you’re not alone.
“Don’t put off your pap test, make an appointment today,” she said.
Phone 1300 130 381 for an appointment.