Young Bloods hold heads high in battle with Upwey

CONGRATULATIONS to Upwey who fought the game out well and managed to get the points. In a game where the team showed what they are capable of they were still unable to take advantage of the opportunities in the way that Upwey did.
Upwey 13.9.87 d Healesville 8.16.64.
Goals: M. Warren 3, A. Gilder 2, F. Hartland, B. Leddingham.
Awards: A. Gilder, L. Rowe, T. Swoboda, B. Leddingham, J. Chandler, M. Young.

@BT Sport Sub Mail:Under 15

What a great win by the side – and without the coach as well. Many thanks to Darren Wilde for standing in to coach the side. With many team players sick or on inter-league duty the team gratefully accepted the help from the U13s, U14s and U16s.
Ryan Voges led the team centreline in a great display of stamina, ably assisted by Alex Turner and Jack Nugent, who both kicked goals as well. The back line stood up all day against strong opponents and fed the forward line with many opportunities. It was a great effort by Clinton Wilkes in kicking five goals. Healesville has a bye this week so let’s train hard in preparation for the Emerald game.
Healesville 11.2.68 d Upwey Tecoma 8.14.62.
Goals: C. Wilkes 5, A. Turner 3, J. Nugent 2, H. McKaskill.
Awards: R. Voges, K. Jones, J. Thew, J. McInerny, J. Nugent, J. Ibrahim, L. Voges.

@BT Sport Sub Mail:Under 14

Healesville got jumped early by a strong Upwey team, which put us six goals down in the first quarter. From there on the team kept up or won each quarter. With strong play from Edric Murry and Matt Kellalea put us right back in the game. It was a great effort from a depleted side. Thanks for the help from the U12s and U13s.
Upwey 17.8.110 d Healesville 10.3.63.
Goals: J. McLeod 3, L. Donkin 2, E. Murray 2, J. Dryden, M. Kellalea, D. Tennyson.

@BT Sport Sub Mail:Under 13


@BT Sport Sub Mail:Under 12

Healesville played well a good effort by all, but Upwey was the better team on the day.
Upwey 5.12.42 d Healesville 2.6.18.
Goals: J. Edmonds, J. Moore.
Awards: J. Cuthbertson, T. Penheiro, L. Andueza, T. McGregor, N. Watt, J. Parish-Donkin.

@BT Sport Sub Mail:Under 11

The under-11 team today showed exactly how much they have improved by pushing the top team for all four quarters to only lose by one point. A great game to watch, a great effort by everyone.
Upwey Tecoma 3.2.20 d Healesville 3.1.19.
Goals: D. Senior 2, K. Schiavello.
Awards: C. Bloomfield, L. Zanatta, C. Young, J. Methven, S. Farkashazy, B. Stewart, L. Schatz, L. Farrow, J. Donaldson.

@BT Sport Sub Mail:Under 10

A magnificent performance from the Healesville under-10 team against a very good Upwey-Tecoma side. Playing with maturity and excellent teamwork has resulted in some inspiring performances.
Goals: J. Neumann, R. Ashby, B. Christie, R. Roelof.
Awards: E. Smith, J. Rosser, R. Andueza, L. Pottage, L. Hellary, M. Donegan, R. Roelof, R. Ashby, J. Neumann, K. Brown.