Food drop a prop for needy

By Kath Gannaway
HEALESVILLE Chamber of Commerce member Michael Thompson believes a food drop at his Healesville IGA store provides a way in which everyone can help people in need in the community.
Mr Thompson was at a chamber meeting at which Healesville Interchurch Community Care (HICCI) representatives Peter Skillbeck and Kerry Goding spoke on the welfare role of HICCI in the community.
He said they had made contributions to HICCI since he took over IGA two years ago and that the supermarket brought them into contact with a broad range of members of the community.
So, while he wasn’t so surprised to hear of the plight of some individuals and families, chamber president Joanne Tate said the range of the different economic levels in the town was a revelation to a lot of members.
“On one level we certainly see the people who come to our businesses, but there is this other level of people who can’t even afford to come into some of our shops,” she said.
“We were surprised at the figures on the different demographics for our community.”
The idea that came out of the meeting was for an accessible grocery drop, and the supermarket was an obvious choice.
Mr Thompson said it had been operating for a month and was getting a very good response.
People did take advantage of the specials, but that was fine with him.
“People can do this quite anonymously and they can comfortably give something to fit with whatever they can afford,” he said.
“If you have to hand over a money donation, it may not seem enough.”
The bin is emptied regularly, helping to stock the HICCI pantry and providing help for people in need in the community.