Fish galore in local lakes

By Kath Gannaway
LILLYDALE Lake, the Don Road Lake in Healesville and Emerald Lake have been stocked with rainbow trout just in time for a bit of school holiday fishing.
They are among 50 small lakes across Victoria where more than 15,000 ready-to-catch fish have been released as part of the State Government’s Family Fishing Lakes stocking program.
The lakes have been selected for their accessibility and stocking of advanced yearling trout gives younger anglers a good chance of catching and keeping a fish.
Lillydale Lake has received 1150 fish and is one of five to receive ‘premier trout’ weighing more than a kilo as part of the government’s Go Fishing in Victoria Program.
Emerald Lake received 500 fish and Don Road Lake 200.
To find out more about fish stocking visit website.