Time out for movies

By Kath Gannaway
THE program for this year’s Warburton Film Festival could present a quandary for film buffs who haven’t planned sufficiently to spend the entire weekend at the at the Upper Yarra Arts Centre.
The selection committee of the Yarra Ranges Film Society has put together a brilliant program that makes choosing less than three or four films difficult.
The festival kicks off at 12.45pm on Friday with the “Show Us Your Shorts” student film competition, leading into award presentations at 5pm. Tickets are free but bookings are essential.
The feature films begin on Friday night, following the festival opening, with The Wild Horse Redemption, a documentary made in Canada by John Zaritsky.
Saturday’s films are Happy-Go-Lucky (UK 2007), Waltz With Bashir (Israel 2008), Salvation (Australia 2008) and, following dinner, Juno (US 2007). The Late Show starting at 10pm is The Orphanage (Spain 2007), a supernatural thriller.
On Sunday, Aussie film favourite William McInnes stars with Monic Hendrickx in Unfinished Sky (Australia 2007). Both actors won AFI Best Actor awards for their roles in this film.
Little Miss Sunshine (US 2006) and Roman De Gare (France 2007) put the final touches to the weekend of “celluloid heaven”.
There is a range of film passes from single sessions to “The Lot” and a mix in between.
All feature films will be preceded by a winning short film from the Show Us Your Shorts competition.
Full details of the films, including ratings and prices, the Show Us Your Shorts competition and film and meal packages are available at www.yarrarangesfilmsociety.org.au , or, phone 5966 5040.