Roll up, roll up, have a shot

By Kath Gannaway
EASTERN Ranges GP Association (ERGPA) is urging Yarra Ranges residents to roll up their sleeves for the flu immunisation.
“The population needs to be immunised to avoid the spread of preventable diseases like seasonal influenza, despite the conflicting advice around immunisation and swine flu,” said association chairwoman Dr Barbara Inness.
“Independent of what might happen in Australia as a result of the Influenza A, H1N1 (swine flu) outbreaks around the world, the best way to avoid getting sick from seasonal flu is to visit your general practice and be immunised,” Dr Inness said.
Dr Inness said the threat of swine flu remained just a threat, while the influenza season had hit Australia, and would be much worse this year if people did not take up vaccination opportunities.
She said that people already suffering influenza symptoms should speak to their GP about the best time to have their shot.
Symptoms of influenza include pain and discomfort, fever and headaches.
“Every year these symptoms mean thousands of workers are resigned to their beds, others to hospital, and it costs millions in lost productivity. Influenza kills about 2500 Australians each year,” she said.
General practices in Eastern Ranges can help with immunisation and for over 65s the influenza shot is free.
“It’s important to be immunised every year as the vaccine changes each year to protect against the current season’s flu strains,” Dr Inness said.
Kristin Michaels, the association’s chief executive, encouraged Eastern Ranges residents to protect themselves and those around them by visiting their general practice for their immunisations.
“Protect yourself and those you care for – visit your GP today and get immunised,” she said.