Learn how to fence

By Kath Gannaway
SOUTHERN Wire will hold a community fencing demonstration at Mulbryn Poll Hereford Stud in Dixons Creek on Saturday, 16 May.
Southern Wire’s state manager Brenton Moore said the demonstration would cover a broad range of fencing skills catering for beginners to expert fencing contractors.
There will be two sessions from 9am to noon and 1pm to 4pm with a free sausage sizzle in between.
Victorian Farmers Federation Fencing Co-ordinator Lyn Mullens said the sessions would provide landowners with information on available products and the fencing skills they needed to start replacing fences.
They also represented a valuable opportunity for anyone who was able to volunteer to help with the job of replacing fences in the Yarra Valley to pick up additional skills.
Ms Mullens said there was still an urgent need for assistance in the Yarra Glen district and sent out an ‘SOS’ for the loan of two tandem axle trailers to help a Tasmanian contingent of volunteers transport tractors and post hole rammers between properties for a short stint in June.
“We have a group of volunteers from Tasmania coming over for a week with all their own equipment, but we need help to move this around daily while they’re here,” Ms Mullens said.
Anyone who can help can contact Ms Mullens on 0458 049 067.
Mr Moore would also like a phone call from anyone who plans to attend the fencing demonstrations to help with catering. He can be contacted on 0458 240 270.