Brookers out-gunned

GEMBROOK Cockatoo was out-played in every position by top opposition in Upwey-Tecoma – on the run, in the air, man to man. First year players understand how tough the game now is.
Keep training hard together and keep the talk the up on the field.
Upwey-Tecoma 17.10.112 d Gembrook Cockatoo 8.6.54.
Goals: L. Turner 3, D. Volta 2, N. Wheldon, A. Moore, J. Morris.
Best: the team.

@BT Sport Sub Mail:Under 14

A GREAT grinding win against a good footy side in Upwey.
Down by five goals early in the second quarter, the Brookers fought back to be within a few kicks at half time.
Out-scoring the opposition 7.3 to 2.6 in the second half was a fantastic effort.
Gembrook Cockatoo 10.6.66 d Upwey-Tecoma 9.11.65.
Goals: D. Welsh 3, R. Cracknell 3, D. Wight, T. Quirk, C. Latimer, C. Sawyer.
Best: L. Purdon, C. Sawyer, D. Welsh, C. Hannah, R. Cracknell.

@BT Sport Sub Mail:Under 13

THE Brookers put in a fantastic four quarters of footy after a slow start.
The team played their best game for the year.
Gembrook Cockatoo 10.7.67 d Sth Belgrave 5.5.35.
Goals: S. Lopez 5, J. Blackhurst, Z. Epstein, Riley Wood.
Best: B. Moore, S. Lopez, C. Gulyas, Z. Epstein, S. Burnie, J. McMahon.

@BT Sport Sub Mail:Under 12

THE boys are working hard each week to play as a team.
They played the game out to the end, great effort by all, keep your chins up boys, a win is only around the next corner.
Upwey-Tecoma 11.12.78 d Gembrook Cockatoo 1.0.6.
Goals: Luke Frazzetto.
Best: R. Wood, K. Hawkins, J. Cutting, O. Strathdee, E. Davies.

@BT Sport Sub Mail:Under 11

BOTH teams applied themselves very well and were committed to the contest, not prepared to given an inch either way.
The tackling and pressure applied was a big improvement this week and the boys showed their potential to be one of the top teams if they can find consistency.
Gembrook Cockatoo 3.3.21 drew with Upwey-Tecoma 3.3.21.
Goals: P. Brett 2, S. Hilder.
Best: J. Jensen, B. Wood, A. Lawson.

@BT Sport Sub Mail:Under 10

AT home against a determined Upwey-Tecoma, the Brookers played four good quarters of football against a team that would not lay down.
The boys played some of their best football, with all players running to support their team-mates and ending in some great goals.
Goals: R. Granieri, D. Williams, M. Templeton, B. Wood.
Best Players: C. Moore, J. Zimmerling, M. Frazzetto, C. Sweeney, J. Bishop.