HIGH-FIVES and congratulations from Seymour MP Ben Hardman marked an important day for Healesville Primary School students Grace Webb and Ethan Adams.
Grace and Ethan were elected school captains by their peers, having made inspiring campaign speeches in the lead-up to the election.
Mr Hardman presented Grace and Ethan with their badges and official school captain T-shirts.
He congratulated the captains on their success and commended the vice-captains, house captains and other members of the school’s leadership team for “having a go”.
“Being good leaders is about being good role models for all the other students. If you do that you will have a really good year and so will the school,” Mr Hardman said.
Principal Peter Leonard said the school captains and the whole leadership team had an important year ahead. “The primary role of these students is representation of the school at events, internally and externally, to manage and assist with school programs and to officiate at sports and community events,” he said.
The 2009 vice-captains are Emily Pierrehumbert, Guilia Young, Emily Pearce, Michaela Gibbs, Lynette Atkinson, Kane O’Brien, Kierra Heatherich and Charlotte Pritchard.
House captains are Watts – Jarrod Keeble and Maddison Wilson; Chum – Michael Hastie and Cassie Boerlage; Yarra -Allyson Wenhuda and Luke Zannata and Myers – Sam Fisher and Sami Ison-Johnson.
Environment captains are Charlotte Bystersky and Braydon Taylor, art captains are Stefanie McKenzie and Louise Adams and Ben Barratt, Lachlan Young and Tom Scott are the school’s 2009 computer captains.