Paydirt for newcomer Whitlock

By Ross Martin
CON Whitlock, who only recently started playing competitive golf, has gone from a handicap of 36 to a career low of 20 in a few short years.
He owes this amazing improvement to the many valued lessons from local teaching professional Bob Spencer “Dr Bob”.
Con, with his 47 points, won the overall competition at Emerald Golf Club as well the C Grade.
In other grades Ross Martin (43), Peter Stevens (42) and Ryan Hocking (41) all had exceptional rounds with Ross just coming out on top to win A Grade. In B Grade Dean Shannon won with 37points to keep up his recent good form. Down-the-line, Ken Sumsion 39, Ken Hill 37, John Carvill 37, Ben Thompson 37 also played well.
Nearest-the-pins went to Brian McCoy on the 4th hole, Dave Hunt on the 7th, Ross Martin 10th and 17th, Ryan Hocking 12th and Peter Stevens on the 18th.
In mid-week senior pennant news Emerald defeated Dorset nine points to one, with Ken Hill coming from five down after 12 holes to square his match in a never-give-up effort, well done to the seniors Emerald pennant team.
Next Saturday’s competition at Emerald Golf Course is the monthly medal.