Mixed results for juniors

HEALESVILLE applied plenty of pressure to their Monbulk opponents all game and the result on the scoreboard showed this effort. Good performance by both sides that produced a close and exciting game.
Best: M. Boyle, B. Christie, L. Pottage, L. Hellary, E. Smith.

@BT Sport Sub Mail:Under 11

THE team improved from last week even with the wet and slippery conditions. A great goal from B. Stewart kept the kids in the game. Great team effort from all the kids.
Monbulk 5.7.37 d Healesville 1.1.7.
Goals: B. Stewart.
Best: C. Young, C. Bloomfield, L. Zanatta, J. Brookes S. Farkashazy, L. Schatz.

@BT Sport Sub Mail:Under 12

HEALESVILLE had a great win, all played well together as a team.
Healesville 7.5.47 d Monbulk 4.5.29.
Goals: J. Edmonds, S. Fisher, D. Kerr, D. Fry.
Best: J. Hellary, A. Jansen, S. Fisher, J. Edmonds, D. Fry.

@BT Sport Sub Mail:Under 13

AN undermanned Wesburn met a very determined Bloods team, who got off to a five-goal start in the first quarter. The second quarter was followed with another six unanswered goals with great team work and flow of the football. The final quarter saw the bloods come home with one of their best wins.
Healesville 18.12.120 d Wesburn 0.5.5. Goals: J. McLeod 6, L. Voges 3, B. Daykin 2, J. Edmond 2, B. Freeman 1, R. Hunter 1, M. Jeffery 1, J. Larsen 1.

@BT Sport Sub Mail:Under 14

OUR boys and girls arrived at Monbulk today on a mission and carried it out precisely. The game plan was to run in numbers moving the ball forward to our capable forwards who converted well. It was great to see new confidence in the players. A good team effort all day.
Healesville 11.8.74 d Monbulk 1.8.11.
Goals: J. McLeod 6, M. Jeffery 2, B. Daykin 2, J. Higgs 1.
Best: C. Connell, J. Dryden, L. Donkin, H. Mills, J. McLeod, N. Gentle.

@BT Sport Sub Mail:Under 15

AFTER a slow first half our side really found form in the second half and matched Upwey in all aspects of the game. Welcome back to J. Thew and J. Ison-Johnson, both had good games. J. Gibson, C. McInerny, R. Voges and R. Veitch all put in great efforts. The team is growing stronger each week and we expect a great performance next week.
Upwey 14.13.97 d Healesville 3.2.20.
Goals: H. Pottage, H. Mills, J. Thew.
Best: H. Pottage, J. Gibson, C. McInerny, R. Voges, R. Veitch.

@BT Sport Sub Mail:Under 16

AFTER letting Monbulk get away to substantial lead we fought back well to be right in the game at three-quarter time. Unfortunately we were not quite able to finish it off. A few mistakes and some undisciplined moments cost us dearly. Overall we are improving and a win is not to far away.
Monbulk 14.10.98 d Healesville 9.9.63.
Goals: T. Black 3, K. Jones 3, M. Davern 1, F. Hartland 1, B. Leddingham 1.
Best: S. Donkin, D. Gentle, K. Jones, J. Plunkett, F. Hartland.

@BT Sport Sub Mail:Wesburn Junior Football Club
Under 10

THE match against Wandin showed the importance of never giving up and maintaining a hard attack on the football, even though this game was lost to a team that played a consistent four quarters of football. A greater intensity of attack at each contest, and a more even performance from the players, will see wins on the board in the coming weeks. Overall our players conducted themselves very well and should be proud of themselves.

@BT Sport Sub Mail:Under 11

Wandin 5.10.40 d Wesburn 1.0.6.

@BT Sport Sub Mail:Under 12

Wesburn 15.9.99 d Wandin 1.1.7.

@BT Sport Sub Mail:Under 13

Wandin 18.12.120 d Wesburn 0.5.5.

@BT Sport Sub Mail:Under 14

A STRONG group effort gave us a convincing win this week. The boys began the game in an attacking frame of mind, which kept them in good momentum for the entire match. Things such as looking for your team-mates, handballing to a team-mate in a better position, picking the ball up cleanly when on the ground and sheer ferociousness when tackling are all great strengths of this team.
Wesburn 12.7.79 d Wandin 4.2.26.
Goals: L. Dyball 7, T. Nightingale 3, B. Jones 1, N. Ayres 1.

@BT Sport Sub Mail:Under 15

AFTER a tight first three quarters, we really lifted our intensity at the ball and got the rewards with J. Fall and J. Coglan rucking and roving fantastically. Wesburn 10.11.71 d Wandin 5.3.33.
Goals: J. Blackler 4, J. Holden 2, K. Ammerlan 1, J. Fall 1, J. Coglan 1, M. Schultz 1.
Best: J. Coglan, J. Fall, B. Jones, E. Wadsworth, M. Schultz.

@BT Sport Sub Mail:Under 16

A DISAPPOINTING loss, with lack of commitment and no attack at the football, and too many passengers. A lot of improvement is needed.
Wandin 25.21.171 d Wesburn 3.6.24.
Goals: J. Walker 1, L. Dainter Bryan 2.
Best: J. Coghlan, D. Chandler, J. Walker, I. Andueza.

@BT Sport Sub Mail:Yarra Junction Junior Football Club
Under 10

THE whole team played really well. The Belgrave players gave us a great game. Our players are improving every week and our club is very proud of every one of our young champs. Keep training hard and having lots of fun.
Best: J. Galea, L. Thompson and T. Reed.

@BT Sport Sub Mail:Under 12

A MUCH improved effort on the previous game. The players are starting to team together really well – they put into practice the skills they had learned at training. Brad Sinclair kicked a fantastic goal and everyone worked hard for each other. Good work today team.
Best: J. Beeby, J. Irwin, K. Galea, C. Long, T. Long, and S. Grey.