Quilt cash for charity

By Monique Ebrington
QUILTERS and stitchers head to Warratina Lavender Farm in May for their Patchwork Quilt Exhibition.
Farm owner Annemarie Manders said her interest in quilting, embroidery and raising money for charity was the influence for the annual exhibition.
While she rarely has time to do her own quilting Mrs Manders said she enjoys hosting the exhibition on her property and plans to contribute some of her own embroidery and patchwork into the exhibition.
The exhibition, now in its fifth year, will be donating this year’s proceeds to the National Breast Cancer Foundation, tying in with the farm’s pink theme in May.
Last year’s profits from the exhibition went to the Country Fire Authority and the event is sponsored by Stitches and Patch in Lilydale and Heart and Home Patchwork in Yarra Junction.
The exhibition will be on from Saturday 9 May through till Sunday 24 May from 10am to 4pm at the Warratina Lavender Farm at 105 Quayle Road, Wandin Yallock.
Entry is $5 per adult with free entry for children under 12. Entry is $4 for children between 14 and 17, and for concession card holders.