Brewery hops out of the hat

By Kath Gannaway
THE White Rabbit Brewery is new on the Healesville business scene, but already it has made a significant impact.
The brewery, which makes up the third dimension of the East End tourist development alongside Innocent Bystander Giant Steps Winery and the Beechworth Bakery, has funded the latest Healesville Shoppers Guide.
Dean McLeod, head brewer from the White Rabbit announced the funding at a recent Healesville Chamber of Commerce and Industry meeting.
The money was raised by staff at The White Rabbit sister site, Little Creatures Dining Hall in Fitzroy as a show of support for Healesville businesses.
“Visitors to the Yarra Valley will be able to take the new guide at no cost, and use it to locate the great and diverse businesses in Healesville,” HCCI president Joanne Tate said.
“At a time when we are trying so hard to encourage visitors back to Healesville, any initiative such as this which makes a visit easier is welcomed.” Ten thousand guides will be printed using local businesses for design and printing.
“Previously, the shoppers’ guide was to be funded by a component of chamber membership fees,” Ms Tate said.
“With the generous support of the White Rabbit and staff at Little Creatures we are able to make listing in the guide available to all businesses free of charge,” Ms Tate said.
“We are blown away by the offer of support from our friends at The White Rabbit brewery.”
Mr McLeod said the initiative had come from staff.
“We’re really touched, too, that this initiative has come from the staff, many of whom are students working part-time and have given up their tips.”
He said there was enough money in reserve to fund a similar size project.
“We look forward to working with all the businesses in Healesville towards a strong and sustainable recovery after the recent fires.”