Arson attack

By Kath Gannaway
AN EXCAVATOR owned by Healesville timber harvester Rob McKinnell was among three machines destroyed by arsonists near Woods Point.
The machines were torched on Saturday 28 March in a remote coupe near Old Coach Road about 15 kilometres from the town.
Police are appealing for information on the deliberately lit fire, which wiped out more than $500,000 worth of equipment – Mr McKinnell’s CAT excavator and an excavator and Timberjack skidder owned by Mansfield-based contractor Matt Adams.
A fourth machine owned by Mr McKinnell was untouched.
Mr McKinnell said he is baffled by the attack but ruled out the “usual suspects” – people opposed to the logging industry.
“Whoever did it was no doubt on a mission.
“It’s way out in the sticks; you don’t just wander out somewhere like that,” Mr McKinnell told the Mail.
“We have a good rapport with the locals and there is no suggestion that it’s greenies. Why would they have any reason to do it – with all that’s happened they’re probably already under the microscope and I just don’t see any reason for them to do it,” he said.
The damaged machines were discovered the following Sunday morning.
Mr McKinnell and his Warburton sub contractor Rob Eddy had been involved in the initial clearing of trees in Marysville after the fires and the machinery was set to start salvage work in the Blue Range behind the Cathedral Ranges last week.
Sergeant Graeme Matthews from Alexandra Crime Investigation Unit said the fire could have caused a lot more damage.
“It’s frightening to think of what might have been. The fact that we could have had another bushfire to deal with is really disturbing,” he said.
“The clean-up of other bushfire affected areas will be delayed as a result. These machines do an enormous amount of work in a short period of time.”
Police want witnesses or anyone with any information about the fire to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or to visit