Fire workers thanked

RSL president Arthur Ford (right) presented certificates of appreciation to organisations RSL president Arthur Ford (right) presented certificates of appreciation to organisations

By Kath Gannaway
VOLUNTEERS involved in the February bushfires ditched their work-gear recently and spruced up for a social get-together at Healesville RSL.
The RSL hosted a thankyou dinner for members of local organisations including the CFA, SES, Red Cross, Toolangi Community volunteers, Healesville Nite-Chicks CWA, Salvation Army and Healesville Police.
For many who had crossed paths in their various roles over the six weeks since Black Saturday it was a chance to relax, share stories, enjoy a meal together and hear that their efforts have been widely appreciated.
RSL president Arthur Ford said they had all done a fantastic job.
“There were a lot of people involved from a lot of different organisations all working so well together,” he said.
He said the RSL had worked closely in particular with the local police and the Toolangi community.
“It has been very uplifting for me and the entire committee to see what a great job everybody did.”
He also paid tribute to the RSL management and staff who he said worked tirelessly for the relief effort.
"For 10 days they were all stood down while the venue was closed and we took on the role of a relief centre and they did a fantastic job,” he said.
Mr Ford said the RSL had been particularly pleased to have been able to assist the Toolangi Community.
“Vic Williams (a member) rang on the Sunday and said they were in a lot of trouble – no-one could get in and they couldn’t get out and that with the Toolangi Tavern they were feeding all the essential services people up there as well as people who had lost everything.
“We were up there every day taking up supplies, fuel and other essentials, thanks to the police escort,” he said.
Healesville Police sergeant Tony Van Gorp thanked the CFA teams from Healesville Badger Creek and Toolangi and the Healesville SES saying they had excelled themselves under very difficult circumstances.
He also thanked Arthur Ford, who he said had led a magnificent team effort.