Barnesy is the creek’s best chum

NO ONE would envy Chum Creek’s Pierrehumbert family their lives at the moment.
But on Saturday night, there were thousands of Jimmy Barnes fans at Rochford who would have swapped places then and there.
Steve Pierrehumbert, wife Sally White and children Anne, Michael, Chloe and Emily were among a very small number of people affected by the February bushfires who met the Australian rock icon before he went on stage for the final Day On The Green concert series at Rochford.
The family, along with Toolangi resident Sunderai Felich, a long-time Barnes fan, were ushered back-stage where Barnes chatted, gave autographs and huddled in close for photographs.
Mr Pierrehumbert said the opportunity to attend the concert and meet Barnes had been a welcome break away from the day to day reality of life after the bushfires.
The family lost their house on Black Saturday and are now renting as plans get underway to rebuild.
“The kids have had smiles on their faces all day,” he said. “At the moment it’s one step forward, one step back, so to do something like this is just great.”
Ms Felich was among Toolangi community members who were in lock-down for weeks after the fires swept through. She said the opportunity to meet Jimmy Barnes in person after more than 30 years as a fan was fantastic.
She said the concert was everything she expected with the thousands of people, including many from around the valley, enjoying the opportunity to see Barnes live.
– Kath Gannaway