Sunny sizzle time

WHAT better medium than a sausage sizzle to raise awareness – everybody loves a sausage sizzle!
On Friday 27 March, barbecues will be lit and sausages will be sizzling as Interchange programs, schools and other community organisations across the state take part in “The Great Australian Sunny Sizzle.”
The Sunny Sizzle campaign aims to raise awareness of Interchange, a program, which with assistance from volunteers, supports children with disabilities and their families.
Interchange Outer East spokeswoman Sandra Leehy issued an invitation to “everyone” to join the fun with Interchange at the main event in Melbourne’s Federation Square.
“The Square will be buzzing all day with live music, entertainment, fun, activities and of course sizzling sausages.
Sunny Sizzle Ambassador, Iain (Huey) Hewitson, will be hosting a lunchtime Celebrity Sizzle Off.
“We would also love to hear from anyone who would like to host their own Sunny Sizzle. Get a group of friends or workmates together, light up the barbie and hand out some Interchange information – its that easy,” Ms Leehy said.
Interchange programs and services support thousands of families across Victoria.
“At Outer East over 750 families access our programs and services,” Ms Leehy said.
The respite and support we provide are invaluable to families, and our recreational and social activities give the kids and young adults some terrific experiences.”
Most Interchange programs run with volunteer assistance.
“As well as raising awareness of Interchange, The Great Australian Sunny Sizzle also highlights all the volunteering opportunities that exist within our organisation for community members.”
For more information about Interchange, volunteering or The Great Australian Sunny Sizzle contact Interchange Outer East on 97585522 or visit