Bushfire concerts

THE first of two concerts to be held at the Healesville Racecourse in response to the February bushfires is set to go on Saturday, 28 March.
“A Village In The Hills” has been organised by former Healesville musicians Tom Connor and David Holton.
The 12-hour concert has an amazing line-up of bands – Nick Huggins, Cold Snap, Qua, The Kurts, Rodney Upsocks and the Slumboys, Toasters Boutique, The Kickabouts, The Pageants, Invisible Bird, Devolution, Wasted, Smash and special guests are ready take their places on stage at the track.
The event is being presented by Traditional Healthcare Inc, a not-for-profit organisation started by David and friends to raise money to build acupuncture clinics in remote areas of India, Australia and other parts of the world.
Tom and David grew up in Healesville and are still involved in the community.
The concert is their response to the devastation of the fires and a way to help raise money for the local fire brigades.
Entry is free but throughout the day money will be raised through donations, sales of alcohol, an auction and activities. Food will be available.
The event is a family event which will run from 11am to 11pm.
All money raised will go to the Healesville, Badger Creek and Chum Creek brigades.
For further information phone David on 0420 641 317.