Jimmy Barnes to rock the Yarra Valley

By Kath Gannaway
JIMMY Barnes is set to rock Rochford and the Yarra Valley and his message is “bring along some friends”.
Barnes will take to the stage at Rochford with Kasey Chambers, Ross Wilson and the Badloves, for the final event of the ‘a day on the green’ summer season on Saturday, 28 March.
Rochford are looking forward to a block-busting event.
‘A day on the green’ has presented concerts at Rochford for more than eight years. Their much anticipated Simply Red concert on Sunday February 8, the day after Black Saturday, was of course cancelled.
With the Yarra Valley now open again for business the Jimmy Barnes concert is all go and the local tourism and retail operators have made no secret of the fact they need people power to get back on track after the fires.
“If it hasn’t been bad enough suffering through the fires, the local businesses have also had to bear the brunt of the lack of tourism,” Jimmy Barnes said. “Even before the fires, people in the country were doing it tough so this has just exacerbated the situation. We want people to come to the Yarra Valley, bring money to spend and have a good time. There’s nothing like a bit of rock ‘n’ roll and wine to kickstart the economy, I reckon. Bring your friends!”
Tourism and Major Events Minister Tim Holding was beating the same drum last week.
Mr Holding encouraged Victorians to show their support for regional Victoria by attending and supporting events like the Barnes concert.
“The ‘a day on the green’ concert featuring Jimmy Barnes is a great way to chill out in one of the Yarra Valley’s terrific wineries,” Mr Holding said.
He said the best way to support tourism operators was to stay in their hotels, eat in their restaurants, shop in their main streets and go to their events.
Promoter Michael Newton of Roundhouse Entertainment said Barnes had already opened his heart to bushfire victims by releasing a brand new album for worldwide download exclusively through the iTunes Store for just $3.39.
“Jimmy Barnes, his label Liberation Music, publishers Mushroom Music and EMI Music Publishing and Apple will all be donating 100 per cent of their proceeds to the Victorian Bushfire Appeal Fund,” the spokesperson said.
The new album available for download is titled Jimmy Barnes ‘Live At The Enmore’ and captures Barnes in full flight and career best form.
The album is available at: http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewAlbum?id=305408487&s=143460
Tickets and further information is available from Rochford Wines on 5962 2119 or through Ticketmaster on 9685 2477.