By Monique Ebrington
WILDLIFE carer Belinda Gales needs the community’s help to rebuild her animal nursery, shelters and equipment that were destroyed when fires came through the Chum Creek property and wildlife shelter.
Ms Gales, an established wildlife carer in the community, bundled more than 20 animals into her car and trailer on 7 February, when she saw smoke coming over the trees of the property.
With her car and trailer full, she was left with hardly any room for her personal belongings but Ms Gales said all she cared about was the animals.
“I could see smoke. By the time we got to the bottom of the street everything was on fire. We went up another street and we were still in the fire. We had nowhere else to go so we drove up another street and into someone’s carport,” Ms Gales said.
“There were sprinklers coming off the carport, I was sitting under there with animals and I could see flames through the water.”
While no animals were lost in the fire, Ms Gales did lose animals afterwards due to heat and stress.
The main casualty was the three-week-old nursery that the community helped to fund and build.
She also laments having to ask again for community help, but is determined to rebuild.
“It gutted me when I found out it had been destroyed. So much had been done by locals I didn’t want them to have to start again,” she said.
“I’m positive I will rebuild and start again though. It’s worth it.”
Already CFA volunteers have helped her rebuild kangaroo enclosures but there is still more work needed.
Ms Gales said she was especially determined as she had been busy relocating wildlife that has wandered into residential areas in search of food.
“There’s nothing out there. Habitats and food sources have been destroyed by the fire,” Ms Gales said.
“There will be many wild and injured animals who are searching for food in the fire-affected areas.”
If you would like to donate feed and water troughs, building materials, storage or labour please phone 5962 6950 or visit www.animalnannyandshelter.com.au.