House of learning

Rediscover the joy of learning at the Upper Yarra Community House. Rediscover the joy of learning at the Upper Yarra Community House.

By Monique Ebrington
THE Upper Yarra Community House, like TAFE or university, also offers qualifications that are nationally accredited as well as help in arranging financial assistance for study.
The Upper Yarra Community House is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) with Skills Victoria.
UYCH’s Manager for Education and Training Noel Boyd says the only difference between UYCH and these other RTOs is that it is community-based and not-for-profit, so that all the resources of the organisation are solely for the benefit of the community.
“The UYCH program delivery is based on community needs, and these needs are constantly assessed as to the social and economic benefit to the community,” Mr Boyd said.
“Many people have greatly benefited from the courses that are available and also with the help in arranging financial assistance for training.”
It is common knowledge that financial assistance is available for career training. How to access these funds is not so commonly known.
Mr Boyd says that stay at home parents or carers, who want to update or renew their qualifications, most likely qualify for a $1000 government sponsored grant.
It has been noticed in the media recently that both State and Federal Governments have renewed their commitment to education and training and a great deal of new funds have become available, especially in the areas of training for work skills and careers.
“There has been a conscientious effort to make these funding arrangements relevant to the actual situations of those trying to get back into the workforce,” he said.
For courses or to find out what funding might apply to you contact UYCH.
To make an appointment, drop in or call Maree Nathan at UYCH on 5967 1776.
Alternatively you can email Maree on or visit the UYCH website at