By Kath Gannaway
THE earth is going to move for Healesville BMX riders.
Community 3777 recently awarded the contract for the construction of the new track to local company Fineridge Pty Ltd and work will start in February.
The upgrade of the existing track was identified as a priority for the town’s young people in a survey conducted by the Healesville Rotary Club. Community 3777 Youth Portfolio Group took on the project with funding assistance from local organisations including Rotary, Lions Club, Healesville RSL and Healesville Racing Club.
Fineridge owner Tom Bergin and manager Chris Moore looked over the Don Road site last week with 3777 chairperson Karen Kisala and project manager Graeme Chester.
Mr Bergin said while they had worked with the local Greyhound club and the racing club on various projects, building a BMX track was a first for the company.
“It’s a great community project and we’re looking forward to being part of,” he said.
The track was designed with input from local BMX champions Ziggy and Josh Callan and from other local enthusiasts and will provide an exciting new experience for riders of all ages.
Mr Chester said the site would be closed during construction and asked riders to be patient and comply with the need to restrict access for safety reasons.
“The final track will be something worth waiting for and we want construction to go ahead as quickly, smoothly and safely as possible,” he said.
Once the machinery has gone Mr Chester said 3777 will be calling on BMX riders and their parents to help with landscaping the area.