By Monique Ebrington
YARRA Valley Water launched a new campaign last week, with residential water consumption putting a dampener on Melbourne’s water supplies.
Yarra Water’s Managing Director Tony Kelly says that as the stage 3a water restrictions remain in place, the Target 155 initiative encourages residents to use less than 155 litres of water per person per day.
“Households use 60 per cent of Melbourne’s water so it is crucial that we continue saving water,” Mr Kelly said.
The Target 155 campaign encourages householders to take shorter showers and change to water efficient showerheads, as even small changes count.
Yarra Water also feels that you’re never too young to learn about water conservation, recently published a picture storybook aimed at educating the younger generations about saving water.
Healesville’s Haig Avenue Preschool students were the first members of the public to get a glimpse of Yarra Valley Water’s appropriately named The Big Book About Water.
Aimed at showing children of all ages the importance of saving water, Yarra Water’s Education Officer and author of the book Jenny Hiller believes you’re never too young to learn about water conservation.
“Melbourne’s in drought and has been for the last 12 years. It’s important to know about saving water at an early age,” Ms Hiller said.
The Big Book About Water is already generating interest, with Ms Hiller hoping to do readings at local primary schools in the future, she said.