By Kath Gannaway
INTEREST in an innovative solar project is hotting up in the Upper Yarra.
More than 45 people attended a meeting organised by the Millgrove Residents’ Action Group (MRAG) aimed at a class action to provide affordable solar energy.
MRAG is driving the “Upper Yarra Solar Neighbourhood” in partnership with solar provider Rezeko and the Warburton and Yarra Junction District Community Bank.
Erik Zimmerman from Rezeko had samples of the equipment on show and gave a presentation on the scheme.
He explained that solar photovoltaic panels which converted the sun’s energy into electricity could be tied into the electricity grid, providing a valuable contribution to the environment, and resulting in a reduction in power bills.
The scheme is based on a one-kilowatt system which generates around 1200 kilowatthours, or $200 of electricity a year.
With energy costs certain to rise, the solar option is more attractive than it has ever been.
By installing the units in bulk and in the same area, MRAG has been able to secure a reduced price from Rezeko.
“All up the figure we’re looking at is $10,300 with additional costs included. With the government rebate of $8000, people will be $2,300 out of pocket,” MRAG member Luke Whiteside said.
Elegibility for the government subsidy is limited to owner-occupiers with a family income of under $100,000 and pre-approval is given by the government before people commit to installation.
The program is available to residents along the Warburton Highway from Yarra Junction to Warburton.
Mr Whiteside said Upper Yarra Community Enterprise, which runs the Warburton and Yarra Junction community banks, had come on board offering low-interest loans to help pay for the large up-front cost of the program.
The usual checks and balances are attached to the bank’s offer and further information is available from either bank branch.
Anyone interested in joining the scheme can sign up at www.rezeko.com, the only commitment being at that point to receive a quote and inspection on the property, or phone Mr Whiteside on 0423 652 388.
Mr Whiteside said MRAG is wanting to finalise applications by about 8 December.