By Monique Ebrington
SEVILLE Primary School students won’t be missing what nutritionists say is the most important meal of the day.
Each Wednesday an increasing group of 25 students enjoy cereals, toast, drinks and fruit each week after integration aide Desiree Durston introduced the trial Breakfast Club at the school.
Knowing that some students were missing out on a proper breakfast on a regular basis, and that it was affecting their academic concentration and social interaction, Mrs. Durston decided to take action.
“We were aware some children were coming to school without a proper breakfast. We have noticed a big change in their concentration levels on Wednesdays,” Mrs. Durston said.
Mrs. Durston is also thankful for Seville Supa IGA for teaming with Seville Primary School and providing all the food for the Breakfast Club each week.
“We like to put back into the community. That’s the point of it all. Being an IGA supermarket, you’re part of the community,” store owner Barry Entwistle said.
The Breakfast Club is not only an academic benefit but a social one too with students from Grades Prep to 6 interacting through the Breakfast Club.
“They just look forward to it. It’s a great social opportunity to get all the students across different year levels to mix together and it’s created a buddy effect,” Mrs. Durston said.
If there’s any food left over, it’s certainly not wasted. Any leftover bread is frozen, and leftover fruit is kept for students who accidentally leave their lunch at home during the remainder of the week.
With the continued support of the local supermarket, Seville Primary School is looking forward to continuing the Breakfast Club next year.