By Kath Gannaway
WALKING 100 kilometres in just 48 hours is hard yakka at the best of times, but when the walk finishes with the punishing duo of the steep Martyr’s Road hill in Warburton and a gruelling climb to the summit of Mt Donna Buang … what are these people thinking of?
Launching Place resident, David Hoffman, one of more than two thousand people training for the Oxfam Trailwalker to be held in April says the motivation is simple – villagers in a third world country somewhere pulling clean water out of a well.
“It’s a challenge, a tremendous experience and I guess most of us just enjoy walking, or running in some instances, but to know the money which is raised will be used for worthwhile causes in third world countries, is very much a driving factor,” he said.
Oxfam works mainly in underdeveloped third world countries and in Indigenous communities in Australia. Their involvement is largely encouraging people basically to subsist by helping them to help themselves. Projects such as clean water are one of the first imperatives in third world villages. Each team is expected to raise at least $1000 and last year the event raised $1.5million.
The walk starts at Jells Park, Wheelers Hill and goes through Lysterfield, Belgrave, Mt Evelyn and along the railtrail to Warburton.
Training for the event starts well before April for most teams and by this time of year teams of walkers can be seen on the trail at most times of the day or night.
“A lot of people see these people walking, some wearing head torches, and wonder what it is all about,” David said. He said while not everyone is able to walk, anyone can take part by sponsoring a team. Oxfam is also looking for volunteers to help out on the weekend.
“I feel very much that Oxfam is a black and white organisation,” David said. “They don’t splash a lot of money around in administration. We pay a registration fee of $125 per person and that’s not a donation, it’s to cover what is involved in running the event.”
For further information phone 1800 088 110. Donations can also be made online to www.oxfam.org.au