HARMONY was the buzz word in Warburton last week as the Shire of Yarra Ranges hosted the Dalai Lama’s Monks’ Compassionate Mandala Tour. The town was on a natural and spiritual high as the local community and ‘pilgrims’ from other parts of the shire and down the line joined three of the Dalai Lama’s monks and Tibetan musician Tenzin Choegyal in meditations, mandala and chanting workshops, concerts, community singing and film. The meaning of harmony in individuals, townships and within the environment was the topic of Saturday’s forum with speakers (right) Millwarra Primary School principal Rod Barnard, Millgrove Baptist Church minister Rev Luke Whiteside, Aboriginal elder Dot Peters, interpreter and musician Tenzin Choegyal and head monk Darba Ngagchen Rinpoche.
A report by the Yarra Ranges Eyewatch Facebook page shows police were busy last weekend.
A 39-rear-old Seville man was detected exceeding the speed limit...