Festival warms up winter

By Melissa Meehan
WINTERFEST 2008 lived up to its name over the weekend as locals and visitors to Warburton braved the rain, wind and mud to enjoy the annual festival.
Those who attended the festival were entertained by the Bilton Academy of Irish Dancing, the Tres Sheik Belly Dancing Troupe, the Battle of the Bands and many other performances.
Visitors to the festival were also able to experience the artistic talents of residents of the region, with art and photographic displays shown throughout the town.
President of the Winterfest 2008 committee member Sue Mann said the weekend was a success.
“We were celebrating winter,” Ms Mann said.
“And we certainly got winter, we had the rain, the wind and the mud.”
She said that in spite of the weather, people seemed to enjoy themselves.
“It was a great weekend, and we couldn’t have done it without the committee members and volunteers who worked so hard during and before the festival,” Ms Mann said.